“Sometimes I’ve believed in as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Sometimes believing impossible things before breakfast is more easily done when seeing impossible things on your walls. Like a moose sailing on a parachute. Or rabbits hopping to vinyl. Or a tea party graced with the presence of […]
Trisomy 18: Learning to Celebrate the Small Stuff
Our world moves at such a fast pace at times. This is no different when having a child. We anticipate the day they will be born, say their first word, crawl, take their first steps, etc. The day we found out that our unborn son would have Trisomy 18, this idea of thinking completely changed […]
Baby Girl Has Inverted Nipples
My daughter just had a baby girl who has inverted nipples. Is this common? Should she be worried? Answer by Dr. Walenz | Pediatrician No need to worry. Inverted nipples are common in both baby boys and baby girls. Many times the nipple will evert or come out with adolescence and puberty. Also, it is […]
How to Build a Dress Up Box
My daughter is quite the dress up fashionista. She has about as many pretend clothes as she does real ones, and goes through several costume changes each day to show them off! Her collection has been gathered from numerous sources and it’s always a bit nostalgic to sort through the pieces and remember the story […]