There’s this stage when toddlers shift between the extreme emotions of parenthood, joy and rage with alarming swiftness, leaving parents behind in a daze of confusion. For most kids it seems to occur around eighteen months. I remember years ago hanging out with my sister-in-law and toddler niece, watching my niece erupt into tears and […]
Take Good Care of You
Mothering can be work that never seems to end. There are no built-in breaks or time off. With how much energy it takes physically, emotionally and psychologically, it is no wonder that many moms feel exhausted and overwhelmed. That’s why my main advice for new moms is to pause and take care of themselves. Self […]
Managing Choking Risks in Your Home
One thing is for certain: if you are having a child, minimize and manage choking risks in your home. Providing a safe and loving environment for your child means familiarizing yourself with everything in your home that poses a potential risk. See our guide to preparing your home for your newborn for more information. Choosing […]
Preparing Your Home for Your Newborn
Welcoming the newest member of your family can feel like daunting task, especially if this is your first child. But it doesn’t need to be! Follow along for our guide on preparing your home for your newborn Newborn babies only need basic items at first, such as food, clothing, diapers and a warm and safe […]
Staying Safe from Summertime Heat
Summertime brings a lot of recreation and outdoor fun for children, but beware of the summertime heat It also brings potential risk of heat exhaustion and a number of other heat-related illnesses. The good news is heat-related medical cases can be avoided with a few simple suggestions: Do not leave children in a parked car, […]
DIY Felt Finger Puppets
This is a fun craft! My son’s been into making DIY felt finger puppets. He made an elephant and a giraffe for test finger puppets. This one is a tiger. I’m wondering if he was influenced by Daniel the Tiger since we just watched Won’t You Be My Neighbor? My 10 year old came up […]