Beautiful sunshiny days in February and March leave me hopeful that Spring is coming soon and the winter of influenza will soon be a distant memory. I am ready to welcome Spring with open arms and open windows. Anyone else feeling the same way?
Luckily there are a few fun holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and Easter to celebrate to keep us distracted from any inclement weather the last of winter will throw our way. Initially I thought I would call this Leprechaun Bait. It would be a fun thing to make with the kiddos, and they could share it with their classmates. I bought the pastel M&Ms and pastel colored marshmallows because I had rainbow on the brain. Rainbows and leprechauns go together, you know.
It wasn’t until we had them all packaged up that I realized the pastel colors were obviously perfectly suited for Easter. So Bunny Bait came to be. Even then I didn’t want to pigeonhole this fun snack mix for just one holiday. It is something that can be made and enjoyed throughout the spring, hence the name Spring Snack Mix.

Let me tell you why I love this snack mix, other than we are total suckers for that sweet + salty combo in my house.
- It can be made in ONE bowl, with ONE spoon, and ONE measuring cup –that is only THREE dishes that need to be washed. You could even skip the spoon and just shake it all up leaving you only TWO dishes to wash.
- It is nut free which is always a potential concern when sharing snacks at school
- All you need to do is open the packages for your children and let them pour them into the bowl
- Ratios can be adjusted easily to you taste. Add more pretzels, marshmallows, or M&Ms as your family prefers
- You children can draw fun leprechaun or bunny themed labels for the packages
So whether you want to make this for a St. Patrick’s Day snack, an Easter snack, or both, your children can do the bulk of the work while you sit back a relax.

Happy Spring!
Spring Snack Mix aka Leprechaun Bait aka Bunny Bait
- 1 – 5 ounce bag of plain popcorn (or 20 cups of microwaved/air popped popcorn)
- 2 full cups of pretzels
- 2 cups pastel marshmallows
- 1 – 11 ounce bag M&Ms
In a large bowl mix together all ingredients. Using a measuring cup, scoop out about 2 cups of the snack mix into quart zip top bags.
The snack mix will keep fresh in an airtight container for 3-4 days.