Make Physical Activity A Priority For Your Family
As a parent, one of the best things you can do right now is encourage healthy habits for your children. Staying active and eating right can help kids and adults achieve healthier weights, stronger muscles and bones.
Here are some other ways to make physical activity a priority for your family:
Let Your Child Pick Activities
Considering participating in a physical activity with your child? They might get even more excited about it if they are asked to choose the sport or activity.
Allowing your child to pick the activity makes them feel more involved in the process of decision making and makes the activity more important to them
Encourage your child to be open to new activities from time to time. If you, the parent, are always choosing the sports and activities for your child, they might not enjoy participating in those activities as much.
Sometimes children are afraid to admit they do not want to play a certain sport or participate in a certain activity if the parent is too adamant about it.
Create A Family Activity Calendar
One of the best ways to ensure that you and your child are getting enough physical activity on a daily or weekly basis, is to utilize a family activity calendar.
A simple calendar for tracking activities forces you into a routine. If you miss a scheduled activity, simply use your calendar to reschedule that activity for another time in the future.
If you are a working parent with a busy schedule, family activity calendars are a great way to ensure you spend enough time with your kids doing the activities that are keeping them happy and healthy.
Set Goals and Challenges
Your family activity calendar can also be used to set goals and challenges for you and your child’s progress along the way.
These goals do not have to be too elaborate or difficult. Simply making the effort to commit to a regular schedule of exercise is a step in the right direction.
Children also respond well to rewards and praise. Think about fun ways you can offer small rewards that don’t break the bank in the form of stickers, certificates, and prizes.