There are so many incredible day trips in the area surrounding the KMC, we are surrounded by eight countries, live just 30 minutes from the French boarder, and there are a handful of large, historic cities within a two three hour radius just in Germany alone. We’ve been knocking them off the bucket list, Trier and Heidelberg last month, and hopefully Frankfurt and Cologne during our four day weekend coming up.
Tomorrow, I’m going shopping with a friend from our village, in Homburg and as I was packing our diaper bag, I was grabbing all of the usual sippy cups, snacks, and busy bags, and then I had a thought, what if I combined those last two! My kids aren’t big fans of sitting in the stroller while I shop, so I was grabbing the busy bags to give them something to do while I tried on the latest European fashions, but what if I could come up with some edible busy bags, would that not be the most perfect union in all of toddlerdom!
I set about coming up with ideas based on what we already had on hand and thankfully we had just visited the commissary on Saturday! So here is the newest form of edible entertainment, enjoy your 10 minutes of silence!

Pretzel rods, Goldfish, and peanut butter make for a very stimulating snack! My friend made this at a playdate once and ever since it has become a household favorite!
S’more Counting

Delicious and educational, can’t beat that combo! I melted a few chocolate chips to paint the numbers on the graham crackers, let it dry and you’re set with an easy treat!
Licorice Lacing

Any snack with a hole in it will work for this one, we just happened to have a lot of pretzels on hand (we do live in Germany afterall 😉 ).
Tortilla Puzzle

I used letter shaped cookie cutters to punch out the tortilla, cheese, and ham, it worked pretty well and made for a filling academic experience.
Molecule Munchies

I’m sure we all remember building molecules with grapes, marshmallows, etc. in high school, it seems like a classic chemistry teacher craft! I had string cheese on hand so I cubed it and added a few toothpicks for my very hungry scientist!